Wednesday, August 3, 2011

projecting benefits

Play can..

A. be physically tiring, leading to better sleep
B. serve as a distraction from the regular stresses of life
C. help develop more dynamic problem-solving skills
D. function as a talent search of sorts, enabling you to figure out what you're good at
E. all of the above

Exhibit B: Right to Play

Monday, August 1, 2011

running man

"Play is not just tossing the football or doing something stereotypical. It can be reading a novel or having an imaginative reverie. There are lots of alternatives that can put one in a 'state of play'... The key component is that your play has no apparent purpose- it should be an activity that's fun or makes you feel good, that provides freedom from time, and that diminishes your consciousnesses of self."

Words of wisdom from Stuart Brown MD and author of Play: How it Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination and Invigorates the Soul

Exhibit B: Right to Play